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What to Look for in an IT Company

Say your system is down, or you need a component, fast. If you call an IT company that understands your equipment and your network, you’ll get up and running quickly at the best possible price.

Unfortunately, choosing a top-notch IT partner can be stressful if you aren’t sure what to look for. If you keep these three IT quality characteristics in mind the next time you talk to your usual technology supplier, it will be easy to determine if they’re the right IT partner for you.

1. Experience
The chances are that the longer your IT supplier has been in business, the more they’ll understand how to adapt current industry standards to your network. We look to at least 5 years as a minimum. It’s the experience that allows your partner to design, configure, and implement smart and cost effective solutions to fit your unique network architecture.

2. Creativity
This brings me to your second consideration. Is your IT partner creative? By creative, I mean are they bringing different ideas to the table. For example, if you are working on a simple request for quotation, do they suggest other options or easier networking solutions? If not, are they really acting as your partner?

To be fair, sometimes giving a customer too many options creates confusion. But keep creativity in mind as you request quotations. You’ll get an inside look as to whether or not your supplier can add value for you.

You’ll also learn to stay away from suppliers you discover are just inexperienced order takers, who may have the right part, but add very little to your solution.

3. Trust
The third, and perhaps most important aspect in choosing an IT partner, is trust. I hesitate to state the obvious, but if you catch your IT partner in a lie, you should get rid of them. Your information technology is too important to your business to give second chances to suppliers who aren’t truthful. They’ll cost you time, money and aggravation.

We understand that it’s natural for companies to go about doing business with little thought about their IT infrastructure until it goes down. Consciously keeping in mind these three elements to evaluate your tech suppliers—who you might need to depend on in an emergency—could save you a ton of headaches in the future.

Call us at CCNY next time you need a component or have a question about your information technology. We think you’ll find us an experienced, creative, and trustworthy partner. Call 1.800.566.4786 today!

Written By:  Scott Fluty, CEO

CCNY Tech has a variety of products from some of the top names in the industry! We supply servers, networking, and storage equipment, along with custom configurations. Check out our site or call our team to learn more about our products and services! Visit Website

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