Data Center Decommission Projects

Streamline Your Data Center Decommissioning with CCNY Tech's Expert Solutions

Unlocking 30+ years of expertise in IT installations and data center decommissioning, CCNY Tech ensures secure on-site drive and storage destruction.

Our commitment to environmental responsibility extends to full part recycling. Whether it's a facility move or complete clean-out, experience white-glove server decommissioning for a swift and lucrative return on your investment – weeks, not months

Data Center Migrations

Data Center Migrations can present many challenges for a company. CCNY Tech has the expertise to make the data center migration a seamless process.

We can help you move to a new data center, or even a new facility, in a matter of days. CCNY Tech's data center services feature a full suite of migration services to ensure your data center transition is both seamless and secure.

IT Equipment Movers

CCNY Tech Are Proud to Be Your IT Equipment Movers for the Northeast.

With over 30 years of IT relocation experience, our team of technicians will ensure all of your equipment is properly packed, loaded, securely transported, unloaded and re-installed and configured. We can also install your new equipment and make sure it is configured to work with you other systems.

Repairs and Upgrades

CCNY Tech can also handle routine repairs and upgrades of data center equipment. Physical upgrades on your server or making repairs fast is one of our most demanded services. When it is critical to get it right the first time, contact CCNY Tech for immediate response.

We offer a wide range of data center services. We can take on simple work such as routine repairs or upgrades to complete design and implementation for your entire data center.

Server Decommissioning

Data Center Decommissioning Services

Shutting down a data center is a complicated procedure that involves numerous systems and multiple pieces of hardware, all while adhering to local and federal regulations. Each system has its own decommissioning procedure that must be followed meticulously.

CCNY Tech's Expertise in Data Center Decommissioning

Utilize CCNY Tech's extensive experience in decommissioning projects of any size. We provide comprehensive hardware and data center decommissioning services tailored to your needs.

Challenges and Solutions in Data Center Decommissioning

Companies often need to modernize or consolidate their data center hardware following activities such as data center migration, relocation, mergers, or other similar endeavors. Regardless of the circumstances, decommissioning a data center requires thorough planning and oversight. Projects often involve multiple vendors, strict deadlines, and various variables.

CCNY Tech's Role in Data Center Technological Shifts

CCNY Tech plays a crucial role in assisting businesses through continuous data center technological shifts. We collaborate with enterprises and major cloud providers to perform regular decommissioning of aging data center equipment. Additionally, we support companies transitioning from corporate data centers to cloud-based solutions. Our services include on-site mass data destruction, as well as comprehensive resell and recycling options for retired data center equipment. We proactively offer solutions to meet our clients' evolving data center technology needs.

Expertise and References

CCNY Tech has partnered with some of the world's leading data center companies and can provide references upon request.

Contact Us

Please contact our professional team, and we will assist you in effectively planning and executing your data center decommissioning project.

Why Choose CCNY Tech For Data Center Decommissioning?

Hundreds of data center decommissioning projects have been performed successfully by our CCNY Tech team. Our personnel are adept at working in a variety of settings, including corporate offices, colocations, dedicated hosting facilities, and live scenarios.

CCNY Tech performs a major role in assisting businesses with continuous data center technological shifts. Working with businesses and major cloud firms to provide periodic decommissioning of aging data center equipment is part of our track record of success. We also deal with companies that are phasing out corporate data centers as work shifts to the cloud. We offer mass data destruction services on-site, as well as complete resell and recycling services for retired data center equipment. CCNY Tech offers solutions for our clients' developing data center technologies in a proactive manner.

From rail and rack removal to all network elements, CCNY Tech can handle every aspect of the project. CCNY Tech offers solutions for our clients' developing data center technologies in a proactive manner.

How CCNY Tech Carry Out the Decommissioning of Data Centers

We reach out and establish the following in all our decommissioning process:

Decision-makers and stakeholders

On-site IT infrastructure and equipment

Manager of the project

Obligations of compliance

Insurance stipulations

The project's schedule



Work Scope

CCNY Tech reduces data center downtime

Effective planning, coordinated activities, and assurances that the live environment will not be affected are all required for a successful decommissioning project. The methods outlined below provide a concise summary of how decommissioned equipment is handled.

CCNY Tech reduces data center downtime through well-defined protocols and effective project management. We make certain that data is destroyed in accordance with client specifications, that inventory is precisely audited and tracked, and that a strategy is in place to prevent excessive storage expenditures as well as logistics and shipping costs.

Data Center Decommissioning In 3 Stages:

Companies are seeking to proactively manage digital data both in their live environment and on retired assets since data breaches have grown more widespread. Large and small businesses alike are increasingly requiring on-site data erasure. All data security risks associated with transferring data-bearing assets should be eliminated.

1. Asset list reconciliation and discovery

An assessment of the data center environment of assets to be decommissioned can be advantageous before starting the data center decommissioning project. Frequently, new assets to be decommissioned are discovered, resulting in additional capital to be profit shared. Other times, asset maps are incomplete, and mission-critical servers are decommissioned incorrectly or before workloads can be transferred. Depending on your compliance requirements, we can employ minimally invasive agent-less discovery techniques or perform human asset audits.

Inventory Accuracy by CCNY Tech:
CCNY Tech technicians conduct a physical inventory and compare it to a master asset list provided by the customer. This inventory reconciliation solution provides correct counts of IT assets, which is critical for financial and legal records. Any inconsistencies are notified to the client contact on-site. Assets are not packaged until any discrepancies in the inventory list have been resolved and the inventory list has been updated. Equipment that is rented CCNY Tech works with clients to make the return of leased equipment as simple as possible while avoiding unnecessary chargebacks. Repair, aesthetic refurbishment, asset tag removal, data erasure, and packing and shipping leased equipment back to the leasing company are all services we provide.

2. Validate and decommission IT infrastructure and hardware equipment & racks

We can safely decommission your data center equipment regardless of the environment. Whether you're using regular server racks with air cooling or immersion cooled HPC clusters.

After disconnecting and de-installing the equipment, it is relocated to a designated work area. The following items will be removed by CCNY Tech technicians:

- Servers, SANs, network gear, firewalls, and routers are all examples of outdated equipment.
- Docking stations, UPS, keyboards, and mice are examples of ancillary equipment.
- Transformers, circuit breakers, test equipment, cable reels, and spare telecom parts are examples of obsolete equipment and supplies.
- Jukeboxes and tape libraries
- Racks, rail kits, power cords, and cabinets must all be removed.

Mining of Cables:
CCNY Tech will locate and delete any unused legacy wires that could have a detrimental influence on the production environment if necessary.

3. Data erasure or drive shredding on-site with certifications

Data Erasure is the process of erasing information from a computer’s drive. Drive erasure can also cut down on the hazards and costs of returning leased equipment.

Clients can redeploy hard disks internally or resale erased hard drives by erasing rather than destroying them. A fantastic way to erase data while ensuring value recovery.

When all data is certifiably wiped before any data-bearing media leaves the premises, many of our clients feel at ease. As a result, we provide triple-pass DoD-compliant drive erasure on-site. (or any other standard preferred by the client) For those who demand it, we also offer on-site drive shredding.

Guaranteed 100 percent digital data destruction:
While assets are still in your possession, we urge that digital data be erased. We provide a variety of on-site data destruction alternatives, including physical destruction and data erasure, and can help our clients choose the right solution for them. Data on magnetic hard drives and magnetic tapes, solid state drives, and optical storage systems can all be destroyed. Data erasure allows storage devices to be reused safely. We deliver Data Destruction Certificates the same day (CODD). The CODD confirms that the company is in conformity with corporate and regulatory regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Meets important industrial standards & regulations:
You can trust that when you engage with CCNY Tech, you're working with an industry leader who will safeguard your data and your company's reputation. Below are few of our standards,

- NIST 800-88 r1, HMG IA Standard No. 5, and DIN-66399 are all requirements.

- Cyber security insurance protects you from the financial consequences of a data breach.

- Assists in meeting regulatory standards, such as GDPR.

Regulations followed by CCNY Tech:

CCNY Tech adheres to practices that are compliant with regulatory standards for the protection of personal data. We provide data destruction services for a number of devices, including magnetic and solid state drives.

The most widely cited guidelines in the United States are the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 r1 Guidelines (NIST 800-88r1), which was issued in December 2014. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publishes data deletion guidelines for:

- Hard copy storage sanitization
- Sanitization of networking devices
- Sanitization of mobile devices
- Sanitation of the equipment
- Sanitation of magnetic media
- Sanitization of peripherally linked storage
- Sanitization of optical media
- Sanitization of flash memory-based storage devices
- Sanitization of RAM and ROM-based storage devices
- Considerations on cryptographic erasure

Our On-Site Data Destruction Services Includes The Following:

Degaussing, crushing, erasure or on-site hard drive shredding are all options for data annihilation. A description of these services can be found below.

Loose magnetic hard drives and backup tapes can be degaussed. The use of intense electromagnetic fields is used to destroy data. Data is unrecoverable due to the magnetic charge. Degaussing is a simple and rapid process.
NOTE: Only works with magnetic drives and tapes. Data on solid state hard disks is not harmed by degaussing.


CCNY Tech can handle crushing for Solid State Drives (SSD’s) and Magnetic Hard Drives. We consider less than 500 drives has a small scale initiatives.

Our hard drive crushers make it simple and quick to destroy modest amounts of hard drives.

CCNY Tech Hard Drive Shredding:
Any data-bearing media that our clients do not wish to reuse or resell is destroyed physically. CCNY Tech destroys all data-bearing media with high-capacity shredders. Our on-site hard drive shredders shred the entire hard drive, including platters, into minute bits, rendering the media or data unrecoverable. Backup tapes, magnetic hard drives, and solid state hard drives are all destroyed compliantly by our shred trucks, which are equipped with shredders.

With integrated forward and reverse logistics management, you can simplify the movement of your IT assets and electrical equipment. We work with a diverse group of clients with regional, national, and international logistics inbound and outbound requirements. The level of protection required by each client varies, and shipments might range from single articles to complete containers.

1. Asset packaging and shipment with full chain of custody and asset tracking

There's no reason to squander valuable IT resources on palletization and logistics. Assets are packaged, shrink wrapped on pallets, and ready for shipment after inventory is validated and data is deleted. Weight is used to box and track peripheral equipment (keyboards, cables, and docking stations).

CCNY Tech will make sure the servers are safely packaged and arrive at their destination. The chain of custody will be recorded at every point when possession changes. Your servers will be GPS tracked from you to us, and your assets will be insured to keep you safe.

Secure Chain-of-Custody:

After your shipment has left your plant, CCNY Tech’s secure chain of custody provides confidence and peace-of-mind. Throughout the processing process, we provide quick and timely pickups, proactive communication, and a secure chain of custody.


Minimized Costs and Optimized Logistics:
Use our significant experience in reverse logistics and material transportation to deliver your electronic equipment quickly and efficiently to one of our world-class processing facilities.

The Letter of the Law Is Important in Global Shipments:
If not properly managed, cross-border movement of retired assets might be difficult. Use our knowledge to prevent penalties for non-compliance and to ensure that secure handling and costs are correctly controlled.

2. Bins for Storage that can be Locked:
Lockable storage containers are available from CCNY Tech to keep accumulated hard drives safe until disposal services are offered. Hard drives, CDs, DVDs, thumb drives, mobile phones, and other data-bearing storage devices are stored in these tamper-proof bins until collections are sufficient to warrant an CCNY Tech technician's visit. Storage devices can also be transported to our facility for final processing using these secure bins.

3. No Surprise Lease Returns on Leased Equipment:
When returning leased equipment with active data, there are security concerns. Avoid chargebacks from leasing providers for hard disk erasure on returned leased equipment by eliminating these hazards.

We provide a number of options for erasing data from disks still in laptops, servers, SANs, and network attached storage (NAS). We strive with our clients to make the return of leased equipment as simple as possible while avoiding excessive chargebacks. Repair, aesthetic refurbishment, removal of business-applied asset tags, data erasure, and packing and shipping leased equipment back to the leasing company are all included in our services.

The following are some of the advantages of properly packed IT assets:

- When there is no transportation damage, a higher resale value can be reached.
- Increases the likelihood of minimal or no damage occurring during handling and transportation.
- Aesthetics have a significant impact on the sale of an asset.
- It's simple to destroy an item that has been cosmetically fine for months or years simply by moving it in the wrong direction.
- When bouncing down the road in a truck, something that appears secure when sitting on a pallet can shift.

1. Remarketing or redeployment of IT assets

CCNY Tech is a remarketing company that specialized in data center IT equipment. Unlike many IT disposal firms, we buy disproportionately large volumes of data center equipment outright, typically from other ITAD providers, simply because we can get more value out of it. We may arrange the redeployment of IT gear within a company for clients who want to repurpose it for usage in a department with reduced compute demands.

Value Reconversion:
To determine whether assets will be resold or recycled, our professionals evaluate the condition and age of each asset, as well as client needs. This is where reselling your assets helps recover the most value from retired assets, which can help offset the costs of decommissioning, data deletion, and transportation. End-user, distribution, and wholesale channels are all used by CCNY Tech to resale assets.

A few essential concepts guide our approach to remarketing:
- Selling assets in the right market for the best price at the right time on a global scale
- Data analytics are used to keep track on market pricing and assure the best possible returns.
- Using our worldwide remarketing team's knowledge to enhance value recovery

2. R2 certified end-of-life or proprietary hardware recycling

CCNY Tech has an R2 accreditation and are routinely assessed by a third party to guarantee that we are in compliance with environmental laws and legislation.

CCNY Tech’s Processing that is both certified and secure:
Any equipment that is no longer in use or is beyond economical repair is recycled in our world-class facility. Steel, plastic, aluminum, copper, and precious metals are separated throughout the recycling process. Our facilities are ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, and R2:2013 certified, ensuring environmental responsibility and security. No e-waste is disposed of in a landfill.

Hazardous Waste Disposal with Environmental Certification:
Subcontractors who have been licensed and audited dispose of all our hazards safely.

3. Project management for decommissioning

We are pleased to provide a project manager to help ensure data center decommissioning best practices for clients that desire to complete the majority of the decommissioning process themselves.

Decommissioning Projects for Data Centers

1. Decommissioning of aging equipment in various stages
2. Decommissioning/shutdown of corporate data centers that aren't connected to the internet.
3. Clean-up of cages at co-located sites
4. Data destruction services on-site, including erasure, degaussing, and large-scale hard drive shredding.
5. Decommissioning of edge or micro-modular data centers (MMDC)

Data Security

Inventory Reconciliation Of Serialized & Data Bearing Equipment

CCNY Tech does complete inventory reconciliation and serialization of data bearing equipment, chips and drives. You need to document your hardware for data security and proper stewardship of user data. If you need to decommission any hardware, having a complete audit trail for the secure data bearing inventory is critical for legal purposes.

What’s your Security Strategy for your data? Contact us or call us at (315) 724-2209 to learn more about how we can help you develop a security strategy that will protect your company and organization from costly data breaches, and put you in compliance with the new regulations.


Advantages of Large-Scale Bulk Data Destruction:

Data removal on-site at your location

Data deletion is 100% assured

Hard drives can be shredded at a rate of up to 3500 per day

Meets federal data sanitization standards

Data destruction certificates are issued the same day

All of your assets are tracked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Projects involving large-scale on-site hard drive shredding

Secure Data Destruction Services

When it comes to sensitive data, there are situations where data simply cannot leave your company. CCNY Tech offers reliable solutions to ensure complete data destruction, maintaining your security and privacy standards.

Mobile Shred Trucks for On-Site Destruction

Our mobile shred trucks guarantee that all hard drives are completely destroyed on-site. Using industry-leading shredder technology, we can securely destroy thousands of storage devices daily. This includes magnetic hard drives, solid state drives, backup tapes, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, and portable storage devices. Clients have the option to observe the secure destruction process firsthand at their location.

Bulk Hard Drive Shredding for Large Offices

For data-bearing media that clients prefer not to reuse or resell, CCNY Tech employs cutting-edge, high-capacity hard drive shredders. Entire hard disks, including platters, are shredded into small pieces, ensuring that the data is irrecoverable.

Bulk Data Erasure

CCNY Tech utilizes both commercial and proprietary software for erasing hard drives securely. This allows hard drives to be safely reused, meeting standards such as NIST 800-88 r1 and HMG IA Standard No. 5. Our facilities adhere to strict standard operating procedures (SOPs) for bulk erasure, ensuring comprehensive data eradication.

Observed or Monitored Destruction

In cases where clients need to witness the destruction of electronic media, CCNY Tech accommodates this through observed destruction services. Clients can witness the process either in person at our processing center or remotely via webcam. Additionally, we offer video recording of the destruction for client records.

Guaranteed Data Destruction

CCNY Tech follows stringent protocols guided by industry and government standards to ensure all digital data is securely deleted. Our audited systems provide accountability and peace of mind, safeguarding your company's privacy and reputation.

Certificates of Data Destruction

Regardless of the service provided—bulk data erasure, bulk hard drive shredding, or observed destruction—CCNY Tech provides certificates of data destruction, ensuring compliance and transparency.

Frequently Asked Questions

"Integrity and customer service" are the core values ​​of our organization.

We can provide you with the simplest solution according to your range of needs, or we can also provide turnkey migration management, hardware disassembly and reinstallation, packaging, relocation and the most complex range of solutions.

We are experts in moving expensive IT equipment. Taking many factors into account, the cost of any relocation will vary. For example, scope, time, insurance requirements and logistics involved.

We have a high degree of insurance, including liability insurance and transportation insurance. When working with you, we can provide you with a personalized COI at any time.

Unlike typical movers, we provide special treatment for your equipment, and each of our employees has been rigorously trained in handling and handling expensive and sensitive IT equipment.

No. Your relocation is handled by CCNY Tech employees from beginning to end.

Yes. All our employees have passed the in-depth screening; have a clean history, clean driving record and personal references.

Keep In Mind

If no one on your team has extensive experience with data center decommissioning, CCNY Tech will assign you an expert project manager.

Profit sharing on the back end will support the budget, which will be based on an initial assessment of the resale worth of your equipment.

If we're not a good fit for your organization because of the value of your equipment, your budget, or your specific project demands, we can suggest you to someone who is.

If it's a good fit, we'll start working with you to develop a detailed project plan and see it through to completion.